Compliance Guideline
This white paper describes how to set up a digital compliance organization in 7 steps. It is aimed at managers and compliance officers and provides step-by-step information on how to establish a successful compliance management system (CMS) in your company and thus ensure your company's long-term success.

You will learn:
how important a clear commitment to compliance and the role model function of the management level are for successfully implementing a compliance culture throughout the company.
how to increase the understanding of compliance and legal awareness in your company.
how to create a transparent compliance organization in which responsibilities are clearly defined and tasks are comprehensibly assigned so that you can increase your efficiency and minimize your liability risk.
why an annual inventory and regular updating of your legal register is crucial for the legal security of your company.
how simply you can use digital compliance monitoring to check the ongoing documentation of your company's compliance at all your locations so that you can sleep soundly again.
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